912,880 successful calculations to date

Toilet Roll/Paper Usage Calculator

Yes, it's really come to this... we are hoarding toilet paper! To help alleviate fears I've built this calculation tool to inform you how much you need, chances are you already have enough :) Please share this calculator and maybe if we all work together we can help end the toilet roll wars

How Many Household Residents?
How Many Rolls Do You Currently Have?
Avg Daily Visits To Toilet?
Days Of Quarantine / Self Isolation?

Our top 5 tips for staying safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic

1. Wash your hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds, if unavailable then a hand sanitiser gel is also effective
2. Maintain social distancing, avoid pubs, clubs, crowds and shared public spaces
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands
4. Isolate yourself immediately for 14 days if you have a temperature, cough or difficulty breathing, phone your local healthcare provider for advice, do not visit
5. Always cough or sneeze into a tissue or your bent elbow

Useful links: WHO Advice | NHS Advice | CDC Advice